Monday, March 10, 2008

Abortion Changes You

SAN DIEGO, CA — Abortion. It’s a word that grips us when we hear it—sometimes with anger, sometimes with fear, and oftentimes with pain. Most people avoid the subject. Many advocate a position on the streets, in the courtrooms, or in the halls of Congress, while some pray for its end. But what about the tens of millions of Americans who’ve been personally touched by abortion?
How can they find a safe place away from the polarized debate where they can make sense of their abortion experiences and connect with resources that are relevant to them?

Abortion Changes YouTM is a new national outreach that launches in April 2008. The outreach communicates to those who’ve been touched by abortion—men, women, grandparents, siblings, other family members, and friends—that they are not alone. This desperately needed environment will invite people to enter a safe place either online or through the book Changed: Making Sense of Your Own or A Loved One’s Abortion Experience. Through the Web site and book, people can explore others’ stories, participate in interactive content, seek healing, and access local support resources.

As a teenager I underwent an abortion believing it was the only practical solution to my unintended pregnancy. Yet I was completely unprepared for the emotional fallout. For years I suffered in silence,” says Michaelene Fredenburg, the creator of the Abortion Changes You Outreach. “After ultimately finding peace, I ended my silence in the hope that I could contribute to creating a safe place for people to dialogue about abortion. Abortion Changes YouTM grew out of not only my own experience, but also the many heart wrenching stories that have been shared with me.”

Through the Abortion Changes You outreach, men and women who were previously unable or reluctant to seek assistance are given a safe place to explore their feelings and seek resolution.

The outreach was initiated in 2007 with the production of 15 voices that powerfully portray how abortion changes women and their partners, grandparents and siblings, as well as the other family members and friends of those involved. These voices, which will be used on billboards, public-transit advertising spaces, print ads, and education flyers, will direct viewers to the Abortion Changes You Web site (

Fredenburg, author of Changed—the soon-to-be-released book featuring the real experiences of real people—hopes that in addition to reaching those touched by a past abortion, the outreach will equip others with new language so they’ll be better able to sensitively and compassionately communicate with others about abortion.

Although each person’s experience with abortion is unique, a common thread moves through them all—abortion changes you. It is our hope that the space we’ve created online and in the book will give voice to thoughts deeply buried and allow hurting individuals to connect with healing resources.

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